[About Us]

Organic and insanely delicious foods!

Our Quality Statement

At Radical Kitchen, quality is an integral part of our operations. Quality means providing innovative products and services that fully satisfy our customers and meet international standards on food security and hygiene.

Radical Kitchen offers the highest quality products the way nature intended – no preservatives, no colouring, no chemicals, no artificial flavours and no additives. All our products are GMO-free and gluten-free.

Radical Kitchen’s range of snack food products contains young coconut meat. Coconut meat is high in fibre, with one cup containing 7.2 grams, which is more than 20 percent of the recommended daily amount for most adults. Fibre assists in the digestion process by adding bulk to the stool, which helps to move food through the digestive tract. Fibre can also help you feel full, which is important if you are trying to eat less to lose weight. Coconut meat is also high in the trace mineral manganese. Manganese helps you metabolise both fat and protein. It supports both the immune and nervous systems and promotes stable blood sugar levels.

My Focus


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